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The EAT Community Podcast

The EAT Community Podcast

Hosted by: Ecolonomic Action Team (EAT)

We Interview leaders all over the world who teach us about what they are doing to "make some money making the planet better - ECOLONOMICS". Listen here or join us at The EAT Community to enjoy all of the visuals!

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EAT Weekly Podcast Talk With Wayne - 6/27/2024

In this week's episode of "Talk with Wayne," Dr. Wayne Dorband delves into two fascinating topics: his recent property acquisition and the intricacies of water purification. Find out more at our EAT Community! 
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband - 06/20/2024

In this insightful webinar, Dr. Wayne Dorband delves into the critical topic of water purification systems. Drawing on his extensive experience in aquatic ecology and environmental consulting, Dr. Dorband provides a...
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband - 06/13/2024

In this week’s episode of "Talk with Wayne," Dr. Wayne Dorband delves into exciting future projects that focus on sustainability and environmental upliftment. Find more amazing webinars at the EAT Community website.
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband - 06/06/2024

Dr. Dorband will be diving into his latest project at Black's Creek, Idaho, and sharing his visionary plans for sustainability and green environmental upliftments. Plus, this is your chance to ask him your burning...
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband - 05/30/2024

In this session, Wayne addresses some of the questions from the audience and also discusses the Black's Creek property in Idaho, a project close to his heart. He shares his vision for the property, detailing its...
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EAT Weekly Podcast Talk with Wayne - 5/16/2024

Wayne Dorband talks more about the Balcks Creek project and resilient land development, with the perspective of business and regeneration. Along with the latest technologies and AI, everything could become the way of...
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband - 05/09/2024

In this episode, Dr. Wayne Dorband talks about his new project in Boise  Idano called the Blacks Creek. Find out more from our website EAT Community. 
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband with Special Guest Scot Scot Steele - 5/02/2024

This was an enlightening session with Scot Steele. Here, Dr. Wayne Dorband interviewed our esteemed guest Scot Steele. Attendees explored the innovative Steele Method, which intricately combines the principles of...
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Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband Podcast 4/28/2024.mp3

This is the EAT Weekly live podcast with Dr. Wayne Dorband where he discusses everything ecolonomic. Learn more from our EAT Community.
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband with Special Guest Doug Ness - 04/18/2024

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain from Dr. Dorband’s extensive experience and profound knowledge as he interviews Doug Ness from Wilderness Pro Lodge, Visit our EAT Community for more live podcasts. 
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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband - 04/11/2024

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EAT Community Weekly Podcast - Talk with Dr. Wayne Dorband - 03/28/2024

This podcast features Mark Shepard's Restoration Agriculture find more podcasts on our website on EAT Community
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